Monday, 22 April 2013

The Lenten Spring by Catrina for Bethany House Chickenley

SPRING! A season. and a reason For opening doors, to let the wind blow, where it will; bouncing and bringing The spring chorus, singing … A time to rejoice, and a time to let go. Giving and receiving. Arriving and leaving the meandering track we all have to walk. Someone to laugh with, cry with, tread the path with Be quiet with or revel In A Heart to Heart talk Life brings us seasons, changes to force. Like the stream, to the river, to the sea on its course. Caring and sharing, tears and pain But The Light of God shines through All And sunshine with rain… …Makes a R A I N B O W !... … Gods’ promise of a brighter tomorrow; He completes our journey of suffering and sorrow. His grace and mercy; His LOVE is the thing We experience most greatly in The Lenten Spring. Catrina for Bethany House Chickenley Copyright 2013

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