Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Waiting for a miracle.

Praying for healing is the hardest prayer of all.
I love my Sister so much and cannot bear watching her suffer anymore.
Lord, Have Mercy.

I hurt for the children of Edlington, the parish where I worship. They have such adult awful words and burdens to bear, which they hear from the people in their lives, who are also hurting and having to carry the evil of the worst attributes of life.
Lord, Have Mercy.

I miss my Dad, and, of course, Mike's Dad.
Lord, Have Mercy.

I pray for those who seek for a companion for this life, especially M.N. and H. knowing they carry love for one who is to come into their life to fulfill the desire of their heart.
Lord, Have Mercy.

Through the prayers of The Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Katerina, Saint Seraphim, Saint John Maximovich and Christ's gift to Essex, Blessed Father Sophrony, O Saviour; Save Us.

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