Wednesday 25 January 2023

25 January 2023 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been 7 years since I came here. WHERE HAS THAT TIME GONE ?? What a rollercoaster of a journey. I'm still alive, despite having stage 3/4 Hodgkin Lymphoma discovered in Sept 2021, Hemolitic Anemia, and Doc's puzzled as to why I wasn't dead, with so little red blood cells, because the cancer was so invasive and, along with the immunotherapy, white blood cells were eating the red. When I was rushed into Pinderfields, Michael visited me next day he could see the blood transfusion had brought me back to life, but all I could say was "I told you I didn't feel well!!" Anyway, things in life in the world are becoming crazier. Evil is becoming ever more malevolent, and many are not understanding that mixing many religions and "ways" of spirituality is stirring up the evil and opening portals to allow it gain permission to be, and do, whatever they want. God loves all, but HE will not interfere with our FREE WILL. Everyone can choose, but many many just miss who CHrist is. HE IS GOD, The WORD and SON. He is the only one who is alive following dying MY / our death. Being God, His body died and His Spirit went to Hell for us, redeeming us, body, soul and spirit, then returned, passing back through time and space, into Heaven; But unless we trust Him to do this for us, there is no way we will ever be good enough to attain this, indeed unless we embrace the GIFT, and exchange our fallen life for His Eternal life. Thanks be to God the cancer was found to be clear on 31st december 2021, 3 months later. I lost my hair and now completely different, and have CURLY hair. Trust God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Every hair, or not, is counted. And always, always, always ... keep the truth ... It is a paradox, but can be trusted ... LOVE died yet LIVES ... Alleluia.

Thursday 9 April 2015


The moment we become attached to anything it lays hold on us, has claim to us. The longer attachment is allowed, the more we make of it a god. An Idol. Only by detaching and sacrificing all our needs and wants on the altar of out hearts and minds can LOVE for all things be fulfilled. When we come to the edge of our comfort zone the best thing to do is jump, and see who jumps with us. Only those who do not procrastinate are worthy of continuing the journey with us until they, too, have to leave. Then be thankful for the sharing of the journey.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

A stop off...

It's been a long time since I've been here. Reading back over things that I'd completely forgotten has brought yet more comfort. Being tired and in a body that I'm slowly being parted from isn't a comfortable place to be, but it's comforting to know I'm not alone. I may be on my own in my skin, but I'm not alone. You'll work it out eventually! Love and prayers, dear world.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Moving on.

Life really does go on, whether I want it to or not, and it's good that it's not up to me! Woofs and Walks seems to be my sanity! Thank God for pointing me in this direction, and for the support of Michael, and other family and friends (you know who you are!) Making contact with canine friends connects something deep inside, and lifts me to where I'm surely meant to be. On the other hand (why does there always have to be one!?) responsibility could get the better of me if I allow it to! Thank you to my Canine friends who have come to stay, so far... Ryder Gracie and Butler Ted Teddy and finally, Sam, who I only knew for a while, but was so privilaged to care for.

It is Truly Meet (English)

Friday 18 April 2014

when virtual life is all I have

Not being able to attend Holy week services has been not what I expected from life, as bus driving is now out of my life. A viral infection has stopped me. Waiting in the silence between bouts of coughing has been a continuation of the silence of depression and it's doing great healing on a deeper level. Of this I am sure. Or maybe it's the calm before the storm of Woofs and Walks, the new path I have chosen. Although, it feels more like it has chosen me! Thank you to all who have supported during this time of change, especially dear Michael and his Mum, Shirley Carolyn. And to my friends. Your words and wisdom have helped me, broken me and remade me to shape me for this new venture. I also must thank Dunlop and Heidi, without who's trust and love I couldn't do Woofs and Walks. May we meet on every walk I take a dog on, and with every woof that is heard in the house. I love you. Blessed Pascha everyone. Christ IS Risen!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

When I leave this body that anchors me to this existance, may there be Angels to defend me from the dark creations that came to be because of me. I pray peace to replace the disturbances I caused. I pray Truth to heal the lies I set free. I pray LOVE to complete what I did not fulfill. I pray Mercy to forgive what I could not be. O Light everlasting shine... on all who need your light in their night, this night. O Wholeness, be with those who are broken this night. O Rest never ending, calm thoughts and fears this night. O Love, always draw us close tonight, and every night, until our nights turn into Everlasting Day.